Quick little update on the activities of Notre Cinéma Maison!
For the next few weeks, I will be working full-time on writing the Kino book and the feature film screenplay Neuve!
For Neuve , I still have a few producers in mind to whom I want to pitch the film, but following Le Grand Flirt, several ideas for improvements came to me. I tighten up, I clarify, the story matures. The header image gives you an idea of the new structure, and as soon as the pitch document is ready, I will share it with the accelerators.
For the Kino book , the final table of contents will be produced this week, as well as the text of the first chapter.
In closing, I have posted two new interviews online in the Tournée de la Planète Kino series, English subtitles to come, if someone helps me out! :)